> > Redress

January 2021

Redress, a short comedy, was given a script-in-hand reading at the AWL Zoom meeting on 11th January.

Edmund Dehn asTony and Elizabeth Drake as Gloria




GLORIA - Mary Drake
TONY - Edmund Dehn

Directed by Martin Cort

GLORIA: How were ‘the boys’?
TONY:Same as always. Pensions. Prescriptions. Prostate problems. The usual chatter.
GLORIA: Any gossip?
TONY: We don’t do gossip.
GLORIA: That’s a shame. Where did you go?
TONY: Where we always go.
GLORIA: The Pig & Whistle?
TONY: That’s right.The Pig & Whistle.

To read a copy of the script please email: nwm.ridley@gmail.com