> > Swinging AWL

December 2012

Swinging was performed as part of the AWL winter competition: 'Changes' at The Polish Centre on 17th December.

Kenneth Michaels as Nigel & Crissy Mullen as Geraldine


"This is not a wife-swapping party, Sonia. This is swinging. The whole concept of 'wife-swapping' is too suburban for words. Too 'Ruislip'. Too 'androcentric'. 'Andro' meaning 'Male' This is not about facilitating the male need for multiple partners. It's about empowering couples - and particularly women. Opening them up to changes and possibilties ..."


Sonia – Liz Felton
Will – Michael Murray
Ingrid – Maria Warner
Nigel – Kenneth Michaels
Geraldine – Crissy Mullen
Ivo – David Hampshire
Nancy – Rosemary Macvie
Gareth – Peter Haycroft
Directed by John Melainey

Running time: 13 minutes

If you would like to see a copy of the script, please contact: nwm.ridley@gmail.com