> > The Shadow and the Tree AWL

October 2013

A new version of The Shadow and the Tree directed by Martin Cort was performed at the AWL Showcase on 7th October.

Elizabeth Graham


The Shadow and the Tree


Patricia Penniman ('Penny')    ELIZABETH GRAHAM

Directed by    MARTIN CORT


You've read the obituaries, of course. 'The popular novelist Anthony Nutting.' How Tony would have hated that description. 'His books delighted a generation.' But he wasn't writing for a generation. He was writing for posterity. When I first knew him, he was so certain of his talent that it was impossible not to believe him. 'The literary giant, Anthony Nutting.' That might have satisfied him. But, no. There was nothing like that. 'Anthony Nutting is survived by ...' No one. No one at all.


If you would like to read a copy of the script, please contact: nwm.ridley@gmail.com