> > Weird Lies

September 2013

Weird Lies, which includes my story, An Account of Six Poisonings, was published on 26th September .

ISBN: 978-1-909208-10-0


More than twenty tales, varying in style from stories not out of place in One Thousand and One Nights to the completely bemusing. Discover mirrors that predict the immediate future and museums where your personal future life is exhibited in the kind of ephemeral objects that might normally find their way into a dustbin. Meet tadpoles, lazy assassins, and assiduous poisoners; observe deals with the devil, and workplace stress taken to its logical conclusion.


Weird Lies is published by Arachne Press http://arachnepress.com

♦ Order a copy of Weird Lies from your local bookshop or from Amazon.

(An Account of Six Poisonings is published under the name of Nichol Wilmor.)